Friday, September 9, 2016

Intresting Observation

Hello there,
     It's been a while.
We were shopping today, we shop Kroger and picked up some of the .99 cent deals, who wouldn't?
While filling the sugar jar, looked at the bag and thought to myself, the bag reminded me of times Great Grandma would pick up commodities, those unfamiliar with commodities, they were food staples the government gave to less fortunate.
Here is a link to the history of this program.

Anyway, the bag took me back to this time, when we would all load up and take Grandma to get her commodities. Didn't think much about it then.

Made comment to the hubby it reminds me of A&P grocery stores, back in the day.
Really like the, what I would call a RETRO look. Clean, simple, no this, no that, it's just sugar.
Oh, the back has recipes, about 5, some look very tasty.

No, not an endorsement for Kroger, only that I can reminisce about Grandma and the time we would spend together over 50 years ago.

til next time,

~ ~


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